What keeps you going when continuing doesn’t make sense?
Writers often ask themselves that question. But don’t we all wonder the same from time to time?
I’ve prayed and thought about that a lot.
Here’s what I came up with: passion, power, and purpose.
PASSION. Drive that exceeds reason. It’s “I must”—regardless of whether “I can” seems feasible. Belief beyond logic and commitment beyond sensibility fuel passion.
POWER. I’m only a conduit. A little electrical cord that can’t do diddly unless plugged into a power source. For me, that’s God.
PURPOSE. If I’m still breathing, God has purpose for me. And He calls me to do it with excellence—relying not on my limited efforts but on His unlimited resources.
Exodus 9:16 (BSB) summarizes these three pillars through God’s eyes: “But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display to you My power, and that My name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”
This verse’s context is crucial. The Hebrews are about to witness the seventh of ten plagues against Pharaoh and Egypt. God gives Moses an audacious message—to deliver first to Pharaoh, then to share with the Hebrews. God starts the message by declaring His passion for His purpose and says He’ll show His power in accomplishing it.
God had protected and preserved the Hebrews throughout their Egyptian bondage. He had done the same for Pharaoh, giving him multiple chances to recognize God for who He is. In both cases, God’s purpose was the same: to have people acknowledge Him when they saw His power—and, as a result, declare Him to others.
The early Israelites frequently sputtered and stumbled in their faith. Sometimes they did everything except what God said—until they got so miserable that they turned back to Him. But their struggles should encourage us. God doesn’t give up on us when we falter. His passion, power, and purpose can undergird our lives and keep us going when continuing doesn’t make sense. He offers us that through His promises, and Christ models it for us. Miraculously, He also says we can do the same.
I can’t stand on my own against what life throws at me. But I can stand by leaning on those three pillars God provides for me.
How have you seen the “3 P’s” at work in your life? Share your comments below!
God has a consuming PASSION for His PURPOSE, and He shows up in POWER to accomplish it. Share on X
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