Last week I science-geeked at reading about a new type of star that previously had existed only in theory. Now scientists think they’ve detected the first one of its kind….
Living in the Tension between Now and Not-Yet
Tension is a good thing. It keeps us on the edge of our seat when reading a book or watching a movie. Tension makes cranes work and keeps suspension bridges suspended….
Life Beyond the Trash Heap
In my first book about the Wise Men, the youngest Magus searches for mention of a new star in Persian and other cultures’ writings. Frustrated at the enormity of the task, he likens it to digging for treasure in the city’s trash heap….
How to Be Kind to your Soul
Kindness seems to be in short supply these days. COVID + political mudslinging + family stressors + financial woes has created a perfect storm, sucking kindness into its vortex like Dorothy’s house in The Wizard of Oz….
Freedom from Anxious-for-Nothing Syndrome
Writers often suffer from “imposter syndrome.” Self-doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence override feelings of competence, despite external proofs otherwise. Christians often suffer from imposter syndromes, too. A particularly damaging one is “anxious-for-nothing syndrome.”…
When God’s “Yes” is Murky
Last week I got an affirmation from God. But I’m not sure what to do with it….
Partial Obedience … Isn’t
I’m taking a book launch course. It’s kicking my butt….
Subbing for God
Life is full of substitutions. Often that connotes making do with something less than the ideal—like subbing fennel seeds for anise or subbing a second-string pitcher for an injured closer. Hopefully a good swap works nearly as well as the real deal….