The Exodus was the seminal event of Israel’s history. Not only was it an astonishing deliverance, but God also made sure it defined His relationship with His chosen people….
God at work
God’s Awesome Words, Unexpected Actions
Do you have a Bible verse that keeps you going despite everything? Isaiah 64:3-4 is mine. By the end of this blog, maybe it will be yours, too. At the least, I hope it inspires and encourages you….
Why Shattered is Still God’s Whole
What do you picture when you hear the word “shattered”?…
Promises Spoken Through Darkness
For the third time in as many days, storms dominate my local weather. Winds tug trees into writhing dances and scuttle slate clouds across the sky….
What Would We Do Without Words?
Can you imagine life without words?…
God entrusts us with a bit of His extraordinary
Do you ever wonder why God puts up with us?…
Memorials to Keep
This long holiday weekend ends with Memorial Day, a time to honor all who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms….
The Fullness of Time
I keep hearing people say they have time on their hands because of shelter-in-place restrictions. Somehow I missed that memo….
Expect God to Do the Unexpected
In January, one of my clients said he couldn’t pay me for the work I was doing for him. He related hardships he’d never experienced in all his years of running his clinic….