“God is concerned about the details of your life.” You’ve heard that many times, but why is it hard to believe?…
God at work
Why God Likes to Scatter
This month I started a one-year Bible reading plan. I’m already behind. I can’t help it. I have questions. Like why does the theme of scattering keep coming up? What’s bad about not scattering? And why should we care about it today?…
God’s First Evangelism Outreach was WHEN?
Last week I wrote about what God revealed of Himself to the Egyptians through the ten plagues. There’s more to that story … cool stuff that doesn’t deal with plagues. (I hear that exhale!)…
Lessons from Grafting (yeah, that kind, too)
As I started my newest day-job assignment writing about a treatment for graft-versus host disease, I had an epiphany. Call me a geek, but I see spiritual implications in many medical topics I write about. Especially this assignment….
When God Wrecks Your Life
Here’s an amazing thing. God offers to covenant with you. Contracts depend on laws that can be broken, but a covenant is a perpetual pledge. God promises to protect and provide for you and give you eternal blessings when you believe Jesus is who He says He is. This covenant is so loving, so giving, that you may not notice its postscript: I will wreck your life….
Living in the Tension between Now and Not-Yet
Tension is a good thing. It keeps us on the edge of our seat when reading a book or watching a movie. Tension makes cranes work and keeps suspension bridges suspended….
The Hurt and Healing from Surrendering your Scars
“Never be ashamed of a scar. It means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you” (source unknown)….
Group Mentality of a Miracle: Raising Lazarus
Last week, Memorial Day prompted us to honor the fallen in our Armed Forces. It’s sobering to think about dead people, but the Bible tells us death isn’t the end of our story. Paradoxically, the Bible also talks about fighting death. I don’t know about you, but that’s a head-scratcher for me….
How to Survive a Joy Crash
You’ve had a sugar crash, right? Waaay too much birthday cake or noshing at the state fair. It’s not much different with a joy crash—that nosedive from unshakable confidence in God’s sovereignty to discouragement or despair….
When God Smacks You on the Shoulder
I don’t do 5 a.m. well….