A week ago, God protected me from a terrible accident….
God at work
Step into 2025 with the Assurance of Psalm 62
Hamilton Wright Mabie said there’s “no pause in the march of the universe on New Year’s Eve,” yet “no man has quite the same thoughts on this evening” as on other nights….
Meet Me on your Mountain. Love, God.
We don’t change mountains. Mountains change us.…
When You Want Deliverance from but God Delivers You Through
Have you ever been so frustrated or desperate that you threw up your hands and yelled, “Deliver me”?…
Do Our Prayers Still Work When God Doesn’t Seem to Care?
My heart broke when an author friend recently posted a raw question on social media. To paraphrase: “Do prayers still work when you say, ‘you don’t seem to give a %&#* about me, but I’ll ask for [intervention] for [someone else]’?”…
Daniel in the Lions’ Den: A tale of conspiracy and conviction
Daniel in the lions’ den is one of the Bible’s best known stories. It speaks to the risks and rewards of standing for one’s convictions. But if we leave it at that, we overlook an important message for today….
Esther’s Hidden Takeaway (why it’s the last book of History in the Bible)
Some people say Esther’s story doesn’t relate to them: “I won’t ever find myself in such outrageous circumstances,” or “I doubt my faith will ever be tested like that.” If you’re in that camp, I hear you….
Who Is Your Boss?
In four weeks, I will have been in business for myself for eighteen years. That’s a huge milestone! I haven’t held any other job that long….
What God Does With Your Ugly
In my read-straight-through-the Bible effort, I’m almost through the book of Judges. It is UGLY. “And the Israelites did evil in the sight of the Lord”—on repeat. I asked God if I could skip Judges. Seriously. Of course, I knew the answer before I asked. Every word of the Bible is there for a reason….
How to Prepare for Change—God’s Way
How do you handle a promise God directs specifically to you?…