As I started my newest day-job assignment writing about a treatment for graft-versus host disease, I had an epiphany. Call me a geek, but I see spiritual implications in many medical topics I write about. Especially this assignment….
When Exhaustion Overwhelms You
Since August, work had been wringing the life out of me, so I planned on writing about exhaustion. (It seemed appropriate.) Geesh. Last month’s exhaustion was nothing compared to these past three weeks….
Group Mentality of a Miracle: Raising Lazarus
Last week, Memorial Day prompted us to honor the fallen in our Armed Forces. It’s sobering to think about dead people, but the Bible tells us death isn’t the end of our story. Paradoxically, the Bible also talks about fighting death. I don’t know about you, but that’s a head-scratcher for me….
How to Regain your Roar
Do you know anyone who hasn’t been afflicted with hardship in the past fifteen months?…
How to Survive a Joy Crash
You’ve had a sugar crash, right? Waaay too much birthday cake or noshing at the state fair. It’s not much different with a joy crash—that nosedive from unshakable confidence in God’s sovereignty to discouragement or despair….
The Price of Sparrows and the Tomb
This week I woke up to bird song—a sure sign spring is here. It reminds me of Jesus talking about sparrows in Matthew 10:29 and Luke 12:6….
Moles, King Zedekiah, and Self-Sufficiency
What do self-sufficiency and Whack-a-Mole have in common? Another problem pops up just when you think you’ve beat it….
What Else I Learned about Self-sufficiency
Self-sufficiency is society’s default modus operandi, isn’t it? By nature or nurture, we seem wired to live that model. Yet the Bible tells us to do otherwise….
Promises and Peace in your Wilderness
The Exodus is full of examples of God’s power and provision. First we saw how He provided manna and quail. Last week was pillars of cloud and fire. This week wraps up this three-part series with promises and peace—the most enduring provisions God made for His people….
Manna and Quail in your Wilderness
The Exodus was the seminal event of Israel’s history. Not only was it an astonishing deliverance, but God also made sure it defined His relationship with His chosen people….