Last week we saw how God provided for the Israelites’ physical needs with manna and quail. This week gets even more exciting with God providing a pillar of cloud and fire. Psalm 78:14 (NIV) says, “He guided them with the cloud by day and with light from the fire all night.”…
Why You are God’s Child Three Times Over
Last year’s events disconnected us from family, fellowship, and other parts of our lives we previously assumed were assurances. Things we thought had regardless….
Do You See What I See?
Since the dawn of time, people have looked to the skies, tracking movements of heavenly bodies to glean information from them….
How Camel Dung Points to God’s Provision
Historical research can take me down unexpected paths. I had to learn many things about camels (and their dung) as I wrote about the Wise Men. But, trust me, this isn’t a blog with a high “ick” factor….
Silt Gets In Your Life
Yes, this title is a spin on “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes.” But today God burdened me to talk about silt, not smoke. Silt plays a huge role in world history, and it affects us as well….
Freedom from Anxious-for-Nothing Syndrome
Writers often suffer from “imposter syndrome.” Self-doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence override feelings of competence, despite external proofs otherwise. Christians often suffer from imposter syndromes, too. A particularly damaging one is “anxious-for-nothing syndrome.”…
Why Shattered is Still God’s Whole
What do you picture when you hear the word “shattered”?…
Promises Spoken Through Darkness
For the third time in as many days, storms dominate my local weather. Winds tug trees into writhing dances and scuttle slate clouds across the sky….
Which is Better: Advice or Counsel?
I’m still processing all the incredible teaching and advice from the author course I just finished. I trust those industry experts’ advice. Why? Because their results prove their advice works. They’ve demonstrated it in their lives, their clients’ lives, and I’m [just] starting to reproduce it in my life. Also, those instructors are Christians. I know they hold themselves to a higher standard than the world’s….
Why God is in the Details but Short on Sharing them
I’m two-thirds of the way through an intensive author course. The volume of information is overwhelming. Details, details, details. All important, but impossible to implement all at once….