Mothers Day is around the corner, and the thought of it floods me with flashbacks of my pregnancy….

Grab your favorite brew and visit a few minutes with Encouragement from Living History. That sums up my blog: thoughts grounded in the Bible, sprinkled with interesting tidbits from history, all applied to life today. Readers say, “I learn something new every time I read your blog.” Here’s an open invitation to sit a few minutes now and come back often to share your thoughts.

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The Fullness of Time
I keep hearing people say they have time on their hands because of shelter-in-place restrictions. Somehow I missed that memo….
Expect God to Do the Unexpected
In January, one of my clients said he couldn’t pay me for the work I was doing for him. He related hardships he’d never experienced in all his years of running his clinic….
Engraved in Easter
The Rosetta Stone is considered one of the seven game-changing archaeological discoveries of all time. Its inscription is engraved in Greek, Demotic (everyday Egyptian), and hieroglyphics (Egypt’s sacred script for tombs and monuments)….
Do Just One Next Thing
Whether people get sick from coronavirus or not, the threat is wrecking emotional havoc. Besides worry and loneliness, people are riddled with guilt. Time on their hands prods them to do “more” of something—writing, home repairs, personal development. But angst immobilizes many people from doing anything….
The Greatest Treasure Hunt
I’m a certified word nerd. I dig into word origins and wrangle their meanings. Geeky? Yup. But treasures hide inside words….
God’s Refuge is both Defense and Offense
The current health crisis has people wondering whether social isolation and handwashing will be enough to protect them. Anxiety is high. Is there truly any place of refuge?…
Creativity and Compassion in the Face of Coronavirus
The coronavirus pandemic is uppermost in virtually all our minds right now. Not just because the bug can make us ill. Hospitals are already overworked, but they’re also quickly becoming understaffed as schools close in the face of the crisis. Ending a sports season before it starts hurts the income-producing ability of everyone from hot dog vendors and ticket sellers to sports franchises. It’s hurt me financially, too. When a medical conference is canceled, doctors don’t need my medical writing services to create their abstracts, posters, or PowerPoint presentations….
Subbing for God
Life is full of substitutions. Often that connotes making do with something less than the ideal—like subbing fennel seeds for anise or subbing a second-string pitcher for an injured closer. Hopefully a good swap works nearly as well as the real deal….
Called to Live Dangerously
Do you consider yourself a dangerous person?…