How many times in the last six months have you asked yourself, “What the heck am I supposed to do next?”…

Grab your favorite brew and visit a few minutes with Encouragement from Living History. That sums up my blog: thoughts grounded in the Bible, sprinkled with interesting tidbits from history, all applied to life today. Readers say, “I learn something new every time I read your blog.” Here’s an open invitation to sit a few minutes now and come back often to share your thoughts.

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How Do You Reconcile Free Will and Freedom?
We celebrate freedom on the fourth of July. Or so it seems….
Which is Better: Advice or Counsel?
I’m still processing all the incredible teaching and advice from the author course I just finished. I trust those industry experts’ advice. Why? Because their results prove their advice works. They’ve demonstrated it in their lives, their clients’ lives, and I’m [just] starting to reproduce it in my life. Also, those instructors are Christians. I know they hold themselves to a higher standard than the world’s….
Why Perseverance Matters so Much to God
“Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare.”
“Without effort, your talent is nothing more than unmet potential.”
“Potential is one thing. What we do with it is quite another.”…
Why God is in the Details but Short on Sharing them
I’m two-thirds of the way through an intensive author course. The volume of information is overwhelming. Details, details, details. All important, but impossible to implement all at once….
Partial Obedience … Isn’t
I’m taking a book launch course. It’s kicking my butt….
God entrusts us with a bit of His extraordinary
Do you ever wonder why God puts up with us?…
Memorials to Keep
This long holiday weekend ends with Memorial Day, a time to honor all who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms….
True Rest
Lately I’ve needed more rest than usual. I had a reactivation of chicken pox, and its treatments drove me to bed. So it seemed fitting to write about rest. God ordained rest. But what does that mean for us?…
Dear Moms: Imperfection is OK
This week as I listened to Peter Hollens’ breathtaking rendition of “Mary Did you Know,” it prodded me to think about Mothers Day and Jesus’ mother….