We don’t change mountains. Mountains change us.
If you’ve ever tried to hike a mountain, you know that’s true.
You pass by beauty with every step, often missing it because of the effort in the climb. Instead, you keep your eyes on a trail full of rocks, roots, and ruts. You sweat and swat bugs. But, if you persevere to the summit, awe and wonder speak into your soul in a way that transcends the breathtaking vista. (The banner photo on my “About” page is one such place I hiked to.)
We all face seemingly insurmountable climbs. One of my biggest mountains was a near-fatal case of Lyme disease, with my husband leaving me in the middle of it. The Bible talks about mountains more than five hundred times. So what can we learn from them? At least seven things.
Mountains whisper that we are not alone.
Storms let loose almost daily in the Colorado Rockies around 1:30 p.m. They gather fast and catch you unaware if you aren’t careful.
Praise God that He doesn’t leave us on the side of a mountain to be buffeted by winds and rains! The Bible is rich with descriptions of God as our rock, fortress, shield, stronghold; refuge and strength, strong tower.
Mountains remind us, “I can’t, but God can.”
Moses was in exile, herding sheep, when God appeared to him in a burning bush on Mount Sinai. Forty years earlier, he had failed to make a difference in improving the Hebrews’ lot in life. At the right time, God charged Moses to lead His people out of Egypt into the land He’d promised to Abraham.
Praise God that my inability does not hinder God’s ability!
Mountains imbue us with God’s perspective.
A mountain is so overwhelming that our line of sight defaults to looking down at the rocks, roots, and ruts in our way. Instead, God says, “Look up! Look at Me. Look to Me. I am your helper, your protector, your provider. Nothing is too hard for Me.” We still have to work (on our studies, relationships, job hunt, work assignment, recovery after loss, etc.).
Praise God that He steps in and says, “Now watch Me work.”
Mountains are God’s choicest meeting place.
Throughout history, God’s greatest missives have come from mountains. The Ten Commandments. The Beatitudes. The Great Commission. But instruction is secondary to invitation. Our biggest challenges, our hardest climbs are where God does His greatest work. On our mountain, God calls us to Himself. He beckons us to draw near to Him then bids us to something higher and greater. Territory beyond our understanding and reach.
It can be scary, but praise God that our heart desires it because He dwells within us in the form of the Holy Spirit.
Mountains reclaim and expand our faith.
On Mount Carmel, God reclaimed the people’s faith when Elijah triumphed over the priests of Baal. They saw his prayer summon God’s fire from heaven to utterly consume a water-drenched offering—proving that there is nothing worthy of worship but the Lord. It expanded Elijah’s faith as well.
Praise God that He gives us mountaintop experiences to reveal Himself and expand our faith!
Mountains are God’s platform for new marching orders.
When Noah’s ark came to rest on dry land in the mountains of Ararat, God covenanted with Noah and commanded him and his family to spread out and repopulate the earth. Jesus’ greatest sermon (which included the Beatitudes) turned Jewish thinking upside-down on loving God and each other. Literally called the Sermon on the Mount, it took place on the Korazim Plateau near Capernaum. The risen Jesus delivered the Great Commission to His disciples on a mountain in Galilee.
Expect God to tell you something unexpected and new when He meets you on your mountain.
Mountains hint that the best is yet to come.
When Jesus was transfigured on Mount Tabor, the glory that Peter, James, and John saw was a foretaste of what we’ll see and experience in heaven. Jesus’ glorified appearance reassured the Apostles that He was truly the Messiah—the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets.
Praise God that we will some day see Jesus glorified and will enjoy Him forever!
Mountains are our biggest challenges. They’re also our greatest opportunities. In God’s economy, our mountains can usher us into His presence, His infinite possibilities, and His strong arms.
Lord, you are awesome beyond description. Please meet me here at this mountain. Today I choose to focus on You instead of my mountain. Calm my heart so I can hear Your voice. I will be still and will wait on You. You are greater than my problems, sins, sickness, shortcomings … corporate and national failings, even the powers of darkness. My God, You are greater! You alone enable me to overcome any situation. Blessed be Your Name forever. Amen!
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Having just returned from several weeks in the Canadian Rockies, this post spoke to me in a special way. thank you for sharing it!
My pleasure, Pastor Woody! I love the Canadian Rockies … my favorite place in the world may be Banff. Glad you’re back safely!
Another great post, Lana. 🥰
Thank you, Dana. You sure have been climbing some mountains lately. Praying God refreshes and restores you and gives you strength for the climb!