I keep hearing people say they have time on their hands because of shelter-in-place restrictions. Somehow I missed that memo.
But one thing I’m sure of is how precious time is. It’s a finite commodity. We can’t make more of it. We can’t stockpile it, but we can waste it and misuse it. So this week I’ve been mulling what the Bible means when it talks about “the fullness of time” and “it came to pass.”
God is working on my heart about that topic. But I literally ran out of time to write a blog about it this week. For the past three days, I’ve worked from sun-up to midnight on the only billable work I have. I want to do justice to this topic … there’s so much to mine from those two little phrases.
I promise next week I’ll have my thoughts sorted and will have time to dedicate to this topic to do it justice. But, in the interim, I invite you to share your thoughts. What does “the fullness of time” or “it came to pass” mean to you? How have you seen that manifest in your life?
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please share them in the comments below or email me, and we’ll see what emerges next week. Praying for God to bring you joy and blessings this week.
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